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中文: 步驟一 取出舊鞋墊,將舊鞋墊與Q-fit鞋墊重疊比對,修剪掉前緣多餘部分。步驟二以吹風機將足弓部位科技PU片吹風加熱約2-3分鐘。步驟三將鞋墊直接放入鞋子穿上鞋子(也可以直接將加熱好的鞋墊放置地面,足部站立於上)進行降溫冷卻約2-3分鐘。(上述時間依據環境溫度與吹風設備差異必須增減操作時間)。可參考以下連結:
English : STEP 1 - comparing QFit with your insole and trim the extra part. STEP 2 - heat up arch pad by hair dryer for 2-3mins until it gets softer. STEP 3 -place insole as regular, arch pad would be naturally shaped when wear it, wait for 2-3mins till it cools down. (OR directly shape arch pad with foot on top after heat up process). * heat up timing is adjustable depends on the temp. conditions of weather and dryer. Please refer to the link below-
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